Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, NASB) On a recent trip to Ohio, I had the opportunity to visit an Amish community. I was impressed by the simplicity and devotion of these fine people and I learned of many interesting customs. Perhaps the most remarkable was the way they usher their young people into adulthood. At a certain age (around 18), a young Amish man or woman is allowed to explore the "real world". During this time the young person is allowed to wear modern clothing and even drive a car. But after a couple years, he or she must decide which lifestyle to live. As Christian fathers, we aren't much different. We have a short time in which we can influence our kids to live a life of devotion to God, but the time will come when they must decide for themselves. It is imperative that we use our time well and train them by our actions, our relationships, our words and the truth of the Bible. God (who loves them even more than we do) will use those seeds that we plant to produce a harvest in their lives! Author: Mark Dwyer
ContributorsBrett Lilly - Campus Pastor at Compass Church (95th campus), husband, father Archives
January 2017